Prophet before Wahi

Imam Aḥmad narrated from the way of Budail, from Abdullah b. Shaqīq, from Maysarat Al-Fajr that he said: “I said: O Prophet of Allah, when did you become a Prophet? He said: While Adam was still in a midway phase between spirit and body”. That is how Al-Baghawi and Ibn Al-Sakan narrated it in ‘Al-Ṣaḥabah’. Al-Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Hajar al Asqalani said in al Isaba: “and that is a strong chain”. There are many other similar authentic hadiths.

Thus as shown by the many authentic hadiths mentioned by shaykh Ghumari about the Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu alaihi wa sllam) being a Prophet since the time of the Prophet Adam (AS), the claim of the author of the “barelwism” blog  is based on fanaticism and ignorance of basic hadiths. Shaykh Ghumari is a massive muhaddith who memorised over 100,000 hadiths and is Moroccan, not Barelvi.

In fact one of the elders of Deoband, shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanwi / Thanvi (whom every Deobandi claims to follow) accepted the Prophet being a Prophet since the time of Prophet Adam (AS)

“Your light, which was present even before the realm of the spirits, can also be called “life” and it relates to the saying, ‘I was a prophet when Adam was between the spirit and body.’”  This is quoted in a Deobandi’s blog:

Just because the author of the “barelwism” blog is ignorant of such matters, doesn’t mean they are untrue or the belief of Barelwis is wrong on it.

A message to the author of that blog:

“Does the author of the “barelwism” blog call the Prophet a jabarite? Does he reject the sahih hadiths about the Prophet being a Prophet at the time of Adam? See the discussion of the authenticity of such a hadith from page 4 onwards

The “barelwism” blog author should pursue knowledge without the fanaticism that he has for the deoband school and which has stopped him from accepting the truth.”

The blog I referred to with the absurd claim is at:

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